Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blueprint for Late Winter and Spring

After a long week with illness, I am on the mend, and making plans for the upcoming months. I have three goals:
  1. Restoring Health, including proper exercise and eating.
  2. Organizing my "stuff", especially sewing stuff and music.
  3. Preparing my home and harp for Easter.
My exercise regimen took a big hit, first because Paul and I were working very hard on our house, refinishing woodwork and installing it. We have been waiting for years (literally) to do this. The big push came because we were anticipating having our house appraised for a refinance (fingers crossed, still waiting to hear!). Then late last week the whole family, except for lucky Robert, became ill with this horrible virus. So starting Saturday, I want to go back to the health club and plan some wholesome meals.

I have begun a huge organization of my sewing supplies. I am close to done. (I will post my How-To and photos once this process is complete.) This process was so satisfying, I want to also do it for my music, which is in similar disarray as my sewing supplies. This clears the mind, makes finding things a breeze. So I would like to have both areas completely organized within the next month.

Finally, I am very excited about Easter. I met yesterday and today with our interim music director and another choir member to help plan Easter music for the Triduum (In the Catholic Church, this is the three important components of Easter: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday evening). I will be playing harp and singing with the choir. Lots of work to do! Lots of practicing ahead for me. I also want to have the house all clean and sparkley for Easter, and I would like to have my extended family over on Easter Sunday. I have time off from work around then, so this will be delightful. I will also have the week after Easter off to start gardening.

I feel very happy about this plan!

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