Friday, August 28, 2009

Passport Wallets

Kristin and I are taking a trip to London in September. I was inspired to make passport wallets after seeing ones made by a fellow seamstress on the Sense & Sensibility Sewing Forum. I thought this would be a good project for Kristin and me to do together. I had started teaching her to sew several years ago, but our plans were derailed when she broke her arm in two places. We just never got back to it. So this was a golden opportunity. The pattern was originally in Adorn magazine. It was fairly easy, although there were a few directions left out/"Oops's" (such as when the directions left out the turning under the 1/2" raw edges after turning the credit card holder, and to turn under the raw edges on both sides of the accent stripe), but altogether it was a very nice pattern.

It was fun! Kristin was a quick study and did most of her wallet herself. I did the sewing of the vinyl driver's licesnse pocket, which was a challenge for me as well. I used a roller foot, specially made for sewing vinyl and leather, but it was still difficult to keep it straight. (The trick was to start sewing the seam from the middle of the seam instead of at the end, then turn it around and sew the other half of the seam.)

I chose dark blue with floral for my colors; Kristin wanted more subdued colors, so chose black and dark blue. The photos were not cooperating. We tried many times, but kept getting glare or bad colors. I really have to have someone teach me how to use a digital camera properly.

My wallet


The outsides

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